Twin Toilet Project
Zoom meeting report: 11.00 am 31st March 2020
Apologies for absence and Members present
Present: Jeremy, Hein, John P, Trevor, Oliver, Carole, Peter I, Steve, Ian, Pamela, Martin, Patrick, Jan, Merlin, David C, John D.
Apologies: Alan, Chris, Len
Zoom Meeting protocol
As Len has severe problems with his back and is on strong medication. Trevor therefore will Chair as well as acting as host. Hein will take notes. Steve is well-versed in Zoom and can help with technical issues. Some members are struggling with the new Zoom technology. A phone call to explain the essentials and help with download and use would be useful. Steve and David volunteered to assist (see below).
Members welfare
Len (see above), Diane had last chemo and is very weak but coping as well as possible, Jean W was ill but is recovering, Janet M is doing well although recovery is slow.
Postponement of the AGM approved. We are now in an interim period between the Rotary year 2019/20 and 2020/21. Activities will be specific in this interim period. We can start 2020/21 more formally with a handover meeting once restrictions are lifted.
Secretary/Zoom co-ordinator
Discussion points from WhatsApp posts
Covid-19 support groups – Greenhill and Dumbleton. Several local initiatives from young people. No need/ability for us to get involved. Vale volunteer centre and some other volunteer groups (Round table, …) provide support for self-isolating people.
Morrisons co-operation. No further information. (Will Paul Bennett please update and provide details?)
Discussion points from trial run Zoom meeting
Start time for these meetings is 11.00. Approved.
The aim is to develop a ‘buddy’ system within the Club. All in the Zoom meeting are prepared to get involved and link up with members who are not able to participate. There are some obvious links between members who know each other well. Trevor and Hein will set up the buddy system. One objective is to make sure all members know what is going on within our club.
Feedback on circular email to local charities (J.Darby). Most charities are ‘OK’, have closed down and use social media to provide support. Ongoing staff costs are an issue in some cases.
Wychavon has created a fund to support Charities with cash and/or volunteers.
It was suggested to donate the cost of one meal per month (or more) to charity, e.g. to purchase food for Caring Hands foodbank. But it might be short term better to make use of the Wychavon fund while we focus on the longer-term needs. Jeremy will talk to Diane to find out what support would be most useful. We also have general funds to provide support (see below). Suggestion to be put to all members if help is asked for.
Future options for subscription to Zoom. We could pay for a more comprehensive use of Zoom. In particular meetings lasting longer than 40 minutes would be useful. We could also use it for other Rotary activities. The group supported the suggestion. Steve and Trevor will take a further look at this option.
Finance update – how much do we have available to distribute?
We have £12k for short or longer-term support.
Foundation - No specific activity
Club service
Discussion about possible online social activities, e.g. quiz, virtual treasure hunt, hobby talks, virtual wine and cheese evenings, film nights, book clubs, guest speaker etc. It was agreed not to have a co-ordinated club approach but to say that anybody can initiate an activity using Zoom or otherwise. It does not matter whether a small or larger group participates. Could be job talks, hobby talks, topic of interest talk, sharing afternoon tea-time etc.
Sharing of links to free cultural performances on the internet (e.g. ROH, Berlin Phil., The Met). Trevor and John P can provide information.
Community and Vocational service. Nothing specific.
Meeting in Oslo/Bekkelaget has been cancelled. Some email correspondence has taken place. Hein will summarise. Perhaps we can suggest an international Zoom meeting?
PR, Facebook page and Club Website. No activity
It would be good to contact them in order to offer support when needed. But short term not much will be needed/possible. Perhaps Pamela can maintain contact.
It was mentioned that we need to be careful with regards to GDPR. Martin mentioned that GDPR has been ‘cancelled’ if activities relate to Covid-19. This was based on a communication from District Council. Martin will verify that.
Rotary in the Vale. Steve will report at next meeting as he has some financial accounts from them. He is also talking with Sandie about starting up a Zoom meeting group for RitV.
Covid-19. Trevor was unsure what President Len wished to raise under this point so it was passed over.
D1100 will provide some refunds for those who signed up for the conference. Registration payments will be transferred to the 2021 conference.
Some discussion about the Rotary WhatsApp. Need to be cautious with standards and not crossing lines of good taste. Anybody who is worried can talk to Trevor and/or Steve.
All agreed that the Zoom system works well and the meeting was easy to participate in. There was a great desire to encourage as many as possible to take part and for members to remain in contact with each other.
Rotary the World over. Good wishes to everyone –