The Tree of Light
Remember and Donate
The Rotary Club of Evesham Tree of Light provides an opportunity to remember loved ones at Christmas and to donate to charity. The tree, a 90' high Redwood, stands by the River Avon at Evesham's Workman Bridge. It was first lit, with over 1000 lights, in 1999 and its prominent position allows it to be seen from miles around. The Tree of Light campaign raises around £15,000 a year for good causes in our community. See below for more details and a donation form.
Photo by Perfect Image, Ian Tustin
Remembering your loved ones at Christmas
Christmas is a time for families, for remembering, for celebrating and for giving. It is also a time when the loss of a loved one can be most keenly felt. The name and the symbolism of our Rotary Club Tree of Light are reminders that there is light and hope in the bleakest circumstances. The Tree of Light allows sponsors to remember loved ones at Christmas-time while at the same time raising funds for charities and worthwhile causes which support others who are in need.
Everyone who chooses to donate receives a personal thank you card from the Tree of Light showing the names of those remembered. The names are published in the Evesham Journal and in the Tree of Light Book of Remembrance which is displayed on this website and in the Town Library over Christmas and New Year.
Tree of Light 2024 Book of Remembrance
Mr A Abbott
Mrs Pam Abbott
Hilda May Addis
John Addis
Peter Addis
Ro Addis
William Henry Addis
Gillian Agg
Audrey Akrill
John Akrill
John Akrill
Cecilia Alcock
Dennis Aldington
Kenneth Aldous
Iris Allchurch
Phyllis Allchurch
Wilson (Jack) Allchurch
Joan Allen
Edward Ted Amos
Albert & Violet Anderson
Big Phil Anderson
Josephine Anderson
Judy Anderson
Philip Anderson
Phillip Anderson
Sheila Anderson
Ken Andrew
Alvin Andrews
Cyril Andrews
David Andrews
Diana Andrews
Helen Andrews
Marj Andrews
May Andrews
Sally Andrews
Simon Andrews
Tim Andrews
Victor Andrews
Yvonne Andrews
Mrs S E J Annis
Mrs H N Annis
Ethel Archer
Edith Arnold
Steve Arnold
Rita Hathaway Ashington
Stanley Walter Ashington
Jane Atkin
David Attwood
Mike Attwood
Dorothy Avis
Harold Avis
Anthony Backx
Ann B Badham
Sheila Badham
Barbara Baggett
Alison Bailey
Anne Bailey
Annette Mary Bailey
Annie Matilda Bailey
Derek William Bailey
Edward George Bailey
Janet Bailey
Jenny Bailey
Lila Bailey
Nat Bailey
Reg Bailey
Robert Bailey
William ( Bill) Bailey
Amy Baker
Dennis Baker
Jack Baker
Julie Baker
Pat Baker
Phyllis Baker
Rose Baker
Beatrice Ballard
Guy Ballard
Kenton Ballard
Lucy Ballard
Phillip Heming Ballard
William Philip Ballard
Agnes Ballinger
Margaret Ballinger
Robert Ballinger
Graham Balmer
Kath Balmer
Lloyd Scott Banner
Jack Barber
Jessie Barber
Beryl Barker
Christine D Barker
Clifford Barker
Marjorie Barker
Stanley Barker
Albert Barnett
Annie Barnett
Eddie Barnett
John Barnett
Lil Barnett
Sheila Barnett
Stella Barnett
Giuseppe Barone
Nicolo Barone
Anita Barrett
Edith Barrett
Peter & Sylvia Barrett
Tony Barrett
Margaret Bateman
Bill Baver
Pat Baver
Carol Mary Baylis
Leslie Bayliss
Malcolm Bayliss
Patricia June Beale
Stanley Frank Beale
Mavis Bearcroft
Mick Bearcroft
Alan Beasley
Keith Beasley
Linda Beasley
Margaret Beasley
Robert Beasley
Mary Beck
Gerald Beckley
James Beddis
Margaret Beddis
Horace Beeres
Andrew Bell
Bob Bell
Eleanor Bell
Jim Bell
Joan Bell
Martin Bell
Rob Bell
Noreen Bellamy
Thomas Bellamy
Alfred Bellingham
Joan Bellingham
Horace Smith (My Jelly Belly)
Alice Bennett
Beryl Bennett
Betty Bennett
Don Bennett
James Bennett
Joyce Mabel Bennett
Katrina Bennett
Margaret Bennett
Tony Bennett
Maurice Berry
Grandad Doug & Bess
Audrey Rose Bevan
Ray Bills
Betty Birch
Bill Birch
Dave Birch
Kath Birch
Les Birch
Beatrice Bishop
Stan Bishop
Victor Bishop
Ian Black
Maureen Black
Zowie Blakeman
Fred Blogd
Mrs Rose Bloomfield
Linda Margaret Blower
Margaret Blower
John Bluck
Judy Bluck
Lea Bluck
Robert Booker
Shirley Boon
Carolyn Booth
Carolyn Anne Booth
Anthony Bostock
Barry Bostock
Francis Bostock
Josie Bostock
Martin Bostock
Tony Bostock
Mr Reg Bostwick
Mr Arthur Bostwick
Mrs Iris Bostwick
Lenny Boswell
Muriel Boswell
Rose Boswell
Tom Boswell
William Arthur Bougourd
Kathleen May Bourne
Leslie Bourne
Norman Bourne
George Bourrne
Audrey Bower
Bernard (Bob) Bower
Albert Ronald Box
Rita Jean Box
Pauline Boycott
Margaret Boyle
Mathew Brace
Stuart Brace
John Bradley
Alfred John Brain
John Brain
Rosalie Brain
Rosalie Ethel Brain
Marina Brereton
Bob Bridges
Margaret Bridges
Murray Bridges
Len Briffett
Julia Diana Briggs
Margaret Brighton
Florance Brotherton
Florence Brotherton
Pauline Marie Brotherton
Raymond Brotherton
Charlie Brown
Eric & Sylv Brown
Glenn Brown
Joy Brown
Keith Brown
Lesley Elizabeth Brown
Matthew Brown
Michael Brown
Vera Brown
Mick Browne
Julia Browning
Reginald Browning
Winifred Browning
Michael Bruce
Graham Brunsdon
Iris Brunsdon
Alexander Bryant
Austin Bryant
Mavis Bubb
Margaret Buck
Gladys Buckingham-Grinnell
Craig Bucknall
Shirley Ann Smith (My Buddy)
Pepper Bugler
Eleanor (Nina) Bullen
Alan Burford
Jan Burford
Paddy Burke
Patrick Burke
Peggy Burke
Janet Burtenshaw
Maureen Butler
Francis Buttle
Ian (Buzz) Burrows
David Burtenshaw
Rev Ian Butcher
Betty Butler
Bob Butler
Ivy Buttle
Mavis Buttle
William Buttle
Bill Byrd
Colin Charles Byrd
Gladys Byrd
Hilda Byrd
Jim Byrd
Jim Byrd
Joyce Byrd
Leslie Byrd
May Byrd
Nigel Byrd
Peter Byrd
Raymond Byrd
Jack Byron
Madeline (Paddy) Byron
Roger Byron
Ruth Byron
Lya Calbo
Reg Calcutt
Betty Callan
John Callan
Brian Camden
Filippa Campagna
Samuel Campagna
Vincenzo Campagna
Anntom Campbell
Antom Campbell
Barbara Canning
Bill Canning
David Canning
Mr Bernard W Canning
Mrs Jean D Canning
Robert Stanley Canning
Stephen Cannon
Pat Care
Patrick Care
Eileen Dora Careless
Jena Careless
Leonard Careless
Martin Careless
Brando Carenza
Jillian Carenza
June Carenza
Jane Carley-Macauly
Cora Carmichael
Oliver Carmichael
Joseph Daniel Carr
Beatrice Carter
Dorothy Mary Carter
Eric Carter
John George Carter
Daphne Ellen Cartwright
Ronald George Cartwright
Chris Chadband
Benjamin Chamberlin
Helen Chamberlin
John Chambers
Peter Chapman
Mary Charlwood
Ron Charlwood
Dave Charters
Clare Chattey
Jessie Chilton
Cynthia Church
John Church
Phyllis Churchill
David Anthony John Clark
Debbie Clark
Wayne Anthony Clark
Albert Clarke
Charles William Clarke
Doris Clarke
Ivy Clarke
John Gordon Clarke
Joyce Constance Clarke
Olive Clarke
Philip Clarke
Pyhllis Clarke
Sophira Clarke
Vic Clarke
Alan Clay
Ro Clear
Arthur Cleaver
Mark Cleaver
Raymond Cleaver
Cecil Clements
Hayden Clements
Joan Clements
Mr George Clements
Mrs Alice Clements
Bill Clemson
Paul Coakley
Bill Cockerton
Jenny Cockerton
Shirley Cockerton
Mr John Cole
Ted Cole
Doris Violet Coleman
Audrey Coles
Dennis Coles
Doris Collett
Francis Collett
Lin Collett
Gerald Colling
Amy Lena May Collins
Beryl Mary Collins
Joseph Collins
Mr Richard Collins
Reg Collins
Reginald Collins
Thomas (Tom) Edward Collins
Daphne Colwell
Rex Colwell
John O' Connor
Jamie Cook
Robert (Bob) Cook
Valerie Cook
Phyllis Coombes
Alan Cooper
John Corbett
Pat Corbett
Eric Cornish
Mary Cornish
Peter Cornish
Anne-Marie (Bow) Corr
David Maurice Cother
Margaret Cother
Mary Coupe
Melvyn Coward (GPA)
Derek Cowley
Frederick Cowley
Lawrence Cowley
Rita Cowley
Alan Cox
David Cox
Jan Cox
Valerie Ann Cox
Nanny Lyn Crabtree
John Joseph Craigs
Sylvia Craigs
Jennie Cresswell
Peter Crook
John N Cross
John Cross
Patricia Mary Cross
Bob Crouch
John Crouch
Lily Crouch
Susan Jane Crump
Tim Crump
Margaret Juliana Cudd
Charlotte Currigan
Roy Cumper
Phil Currie
Erine Currier
Sue Currier
Thelma Currier
Charlotte Currigan
Bert Cuthbertson
Antonio D'Arienzo
Joffre Dale
Mary Dale
Sandra Doreen Damari
Lorraine Danks
Joyce Dannatt
Dorothy Darby
John Darby
Kenneth Darby
Bryan Darke
Colin Darke
Dorothy Darke
Chloey Dart
Martin John Davey
Canning David
Bob Davies
Bryan Davies
Des Davies
Evelyn & Arthur Davies
Geoff & Dolly Davies
Gordon Davies
Jenny Davies
Roger Davies
Roy Davies
Sheila Davies
Betty Davis
Hazel Davis
Margaret Davis
Mark Axl Davis
Lyn Davison
Daisy Dawson
Joyce Dawson
Sarah Dawson
Dorcus Claire Day
Mr & Mrs A Day
Mr F C Day
Timothy James Day
Simon Daykin
Mary Dean
Ruth Devereaux
Bill Dewdney
Kit Dewdney
Alex Dickinson
Karen Dillworth
Mary Dillworth
Maurice Dillworth
Barry Dixon
Edward Dixon
Margaret Dixon
Mr Patrick Dolan
Alec Albert Dolphin
Brian Dolphin
James Dore
E K Dowdeswell
F F Dowdeswell
David Drinkwater
George Drinkwater
Janet Drinkwater
Malc Drinkwater
Minnie Drinkwater
Leonard John Driver
Alice Duckett
Brian Duckett
Frank Duckett
Betty Dudley
Mac Dudley
Peter Dunn
Christopher Dunne
Graham Durrant
Joe Dutton
Peggy Dutton
Roger Dutton
Susan Dutton
Irene Dyer
John Dyer
Pam Dyson
Tim Dyson
Colin Eastmead
Sylvia Eastmead
Raymond Gw Edmed
Mr Robert Edney
Mrs Janet Edney
Christina Edwards
Pat Edwards
James Element
Mabel Ellender
Edna Ellis
Joan Emms
Stephen & Daniel Emms
Linda Emson
Richard Emson
Sylvia Emson
Edna Enstone
Jack Enstone
David Errington
Baby Ethan
Jack Etherington
Pamela Eustace
Barry Evans
Barry M Evans
Denzil Barrett Evans
Michael Paul Evans
Mrs Brenda Evans
Norma Evans
Patricia Mary Evans
Douglas Everitt
Enid Everitt
John Norman Fairfax
James Fallon-Williams
Jones Family
The Newbury Family
Harry Farrow
Winifred Faulkner
Doris Ffowles
John Fisher
Joseph William Henry Fisher
Lynn Fisher
Robert Joseph Fisher
Ron Fisher
Fay Fitzpatrick
John Fitzpatrick
Emma Flatley
Jim Fletcher
Pauline Ann Smith (My Flower)
Bob Ford
David Ford
Doreen Ford
Grahame Ford
Jennifer Ford
Michael Ford
Mick Ford
Sheila Ford
Arthur Forder
Audrey Forder
Marjorie Forder
Chas Fordham
Ivor Fortey
Dot Foster
Alex Foulds
Doris Fowler
Des Fowles
Donald Frank
Elizabeth Franklin
Carmelo Frascona
Nick Fraser
Eddie Fray
Ada Freeman
Doreen (Polly) Freeman
Joseph Richard Freeman
Martin Joseph Freeman
Neil Richard Freeman
Albert Fuller
Joyce Fuller
Charles Fulwell
Iris Fulwell
David Gadsby
Jack Gallagher
John Gallagher
Muriel Gallagher
Mark Galo
David Gannaway
Sue & Bob Gannaway
Cecil Gantham
Mr Jack Gard
Mrs Frances Gard
Our Mum Ivy Gardiner
Our Dad Ron Gardiner
Joe Gardner
John Gardner
Mary Gardner
Roger Edward John Gardner
Ted Gardner
John Gealer
Gus Georgeovich
Mara Georgeovich
Michael Georgeovich
Mary Gibson
Mrs Valerie Gibson
John Gilbert
Argia Gilbey
Bill Gillett
Mary Gillett
Omar Gillett
Carmine Di Girolamo
Anne Gisborne
Gerald Gisborne
Janette Gisbourne
Stanley Gisbourne
Marjorie Gittins
Lawrence Gittus
Margaret Glenn
Canning Glynn
Mary Godwin
Mr Albert Golding
Mr Aubrey Golding
Mrs Hilda Golding
Betty Goldstraw
Janet Gorton
Patricia Gorton
Roy Gorton
Tom Gough
Daniel Gould
Don Gould
Gillian Gould
Kathleen Gould
Maisie Gould
Stanley Gould
Wilf Gould
Mr David Graham
Mrs Angela Graham
Eileen Grant
Margery Grantham
A G Gray
Annie Nance Green
Bernard Edmund Green
Frances Green
Gillian Green
Harry Green
Peter Richard Green
Rebecca Helen Green
Walter Edmund Green
Philip Gresty
Cis Grey
Ern Grey
John Grey
Fred Griffin
Hilda Griffin
Antony Griffiths
Cynthia Griffiths
Horace Griffiths
Jean Griffiths
Windsor Griffiths
Joan Grimmitt
Douglas Grinnell
Gillian Grinnell
Irene Mary Grinnell
Maurice Leslie Grinnell
Maurice Grinnell
Robert Grinnell
William (Bill) Grinnell
Leonard Grosvenor
Violet Grosvenor
Bill & Avis Grove
Brian Grove
Buck Grove
Cayden Grove
Charlie Grove
David Grove
Doris Grove
Edmund Grove
Elizabeth Grove
Elsie Grove
Flo Grove
Gill Grove
Gordon Lloyd Grove
Gordon Grove
Howard Grove
Joan Grove
Josephine Grove
Kath Grove
Maurice Grove
Michael Grove
Stanley Grove
David Grubb
Stephen Gubbins
Irene Guise
Joseph Guise
Kathleen Guise
Lionel Guise
Michael Guise
John Gunter
Frank Frederick Gurney
John Gurney
Lindsay Gwilliam
Mr Lindsay Gwilliam
Gillian Hackling
Lynette Hackling
Robin Hackling
Dennis Haines
Doreen Haines
Elsie Haines
Jenny Haines
Reginald Haines
Amanda Hale
Edna Hale
Fred Hale
Joseph Hale
Rene Hale
Clara Amy Hall
Francis Edward Hall
Hayden Hall
John Hall (Postie)
Norman John Hall
Pearl Josephine Hall
Rita Hall
Carol Halling
Margaret Halling
Robert Halling
Vic Halling
Jack Hammond
Lillian Hammond
Mary Hamson
Dennis Albert Hancock
Michael John Hancock
Mr James Hancock
Mrs Agnes Hancock
Angela Hancox
Dennis Maurice Hancox
Brian Hands
Keith Hansford (Albie)
Phyllis Hansford
Walter Hansford
Dorothy Hardiman
Harry Hardiman
James Hardiman
Jean Hardiman
Reg Hardiman
Graham Harper
Bert Harrell
Ena Harrell
Georgina Harrell
Margaret Harrell
Michael Harrell
John Harris
Nina Harris
Ron Harris
Chris Harrison
Fiona Harrison
John Harrison
Mary V M Harrison
Vera Harrison
John Harrriss
Josephine Hartiss
Doris Hartland
Len Hartland
Arthur Leonard Hartle
Barbara Joyce Hartle
Ann Hartwell
Deryck Hartwell
Rosemary Angela Hartwell
David Haskins
Harry Haughton
David Hawker
Michael Hawker
Stanley Hawker
John Gordon Hawkes
Geoff Hawkins
Mandi Hawkins
Irene Phyllis Hay
Ronald John Hay
Jimmy Hayes
Stanley (Tony) Haynes
Ted Healey
John Heaney
Colin Heath
Mary Heath
Rose Heath
Jannie Van Hecke
Kees Van Hecke
Muriel Hedgecock
Nicholas Hedgecock
Alice Mary Gweneth Heeks
Allan Heeks
David Heeks
Derek Allan Heeks
Frederick (Freddie) Heeks
Peter Heeks
Archibald Hemming
Christine Hemming
Douglas Hemming
Elsie May Hemming
Jim Hemming
Kath Hemming
David Henly
David John Henly
Colin Henson
Queenie Henson
Tom Henson
David Hepworth
Joe Herbert
Raymond (Joe) Herbert
Val Herbert
Valerie Herbert
David Heritage
Rose Heritage
Fred Hessel
John Hessel
Jose Hessel
Maureen Hewitt
Michael Hewitt
Ivor Hewlett
Win Hewlett
Reg Hill
Doris Hill
Tony Hill
Betty Hillyard
Philip Hillyard
Ron Hillyard
Harry Hitchcox
Anabel Hodges
Annabel Hodges
Baby Annabel Hodges
George Alfred Hodges
George Hodges
Jenny Hodges
Molly Hodges
Alan Hodgkins
Jack Hodgkins
Pearl Hodgkins
Rob Hodgkins
Betty Holley
Derek Holley
Martin Holley
Jim Holmes
Iris Holt
Eva Holyland
Eric Hopkins
Jeanette Hopkins
Nellie Elizabeth Jane Hopkins
Hazel Huband
Reginald Huband
Hannah (Anne) Huckfield
Raymond Huckfield
Violet Huddlestone
Anne Hughes
Dennis Hughes
Doris May Hughes
Emmeline Hughes
Gerald Hughes
Leon Hughes
Margaret Hughes
Mr John Hughes
Justine Hulbert
Mr T Hunt
Mrs E Hunt
Mr Joseph Hurst
Mr David Hurst
Mrs Ada Hurst
Anne Hutton
Malcolm Hutton
Eileen Huxley
Ernie Huxley
Tony Huxley
Frank Hyatt
Sylvia Hyatt
Arthur Hyde
Hubert Hyde
Laura Hyde
Pamela Hyde
Rose Hyde
Betty (Elizabeth) Jackson
Denis Jackson
Elizabeth (Betty) Jackson
Pat Jackson
Molly Jagoda
Gwen James
Susie James
Terry James
Tony James
Walt James
Barbara Jarrett
John Jarrett
Christopher Jefferies
Allan James Jelfs (Grandad)
Margaret E Jelfs
Ian Robert Jenkins
Julian Jenkins
David Jennings
Keith Jennings
Gordon Jeynes
Daniel David John
Martha Louisa John
Dennis Johns
Donald Johns
Mark Johns (Bonzo)
Philip Johns
Rosa Johns
Anthony Neale Johnson
Beryl Johnson
Edith Alice Johnson
Edward Dean Johnson
Edward Johnson
Fred Johnson
John Dennis Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Michael Johnson
Michael Victor Johnson
Peter Johnson
Dorothy Jolliffe
Harry Jolliffe
Chris Jones
David Jones
Dennis Jones
Derek Jones
Doreen Jones
Dot Jones
Edna Jones
Glyn Jones
Graham (Skippy) Jones
Jackie Jones
Michael Jones
Paul Jones
Selwyn Jones
Walter Jones
Arthur Jordan
Bert Jordan
John Jordan
Molly Jordan
Mr John Jordan
Mrs Ella Jordan
Nancy Jordan
Ted Jordan
Vie Jordan
Nanny Joyce
Mr George Jury
Gordon K
Jean Kaler
Luka Kalinic
Pat Kedward
Albert Keen
Cyril Frank Keen
Mr Fred Keen
Mrs Mary Keen
Nellie Keen
Nesta Keen
Roger Loudon Kendal
Brian Edward Keyte
Alan Kinchin
Ann King
Brian King
Emmie King
Gordon King
Heather King
Una Kingdon
Mr Hubert Vernon Kirby
Mrs Annie Louise Kirby
Dennis Knight
Hilda Knight
Isabel May Knight
Joan Knight
Leslie John Knight
Leslie Knight
Arthur Dennis Knott
Lilian Alice D Knott
Lilian Dora A Knott
Nicos Kokkinos
Marcel Kolar
Poppy Kolar
Marta Kolarova
Garnet Kyte
John Kyte
Kathleen Kyte
Laura Kyte
Rose Kyte
Eileen Lamb
Leslie Lamb
Mr Tim Lamb
Mr Duncan Lamb
Mrs Dolly Lamb
Roger Lamb
Sandra Lamb
Isabel Lambourne
Norma Lander
Audrey Lane
Chas Lane
Jim Lane
David Langstone
Peter Langstone
Zakk Langstone
Samuel Larmour (Past Rotary President)
Arty Lauer
Royston Lavell
Margaret Leach
Ted Leach
David Lee
Gary Lee
Lyndsey Lee
Andrew Mark Leese
Alice Leggett
Reg Leggett
Alice Lennon
Hugh Lennon
Jean Leonard
Mona Leonard
Peter Leonard
Simon Leonard
Tom Leonard
Rita Grace Lerigo
Raymond Lester
Anthony Lewis
Frank Lewis
Kerry Lewis
Pearl Lewis
Andrew Lindup
Jeane Lindup
Kenneth Lindup
Carl Lippett
Janet Lippett
Phylis Lippett
Robert Lippett
Lawrence John Lippitt
Nana Liz
Mike Lloyd
Ivy Locke
Tony Locke
David Lockley
John Lofthouse
Cyril Lomas
Mary Lomas
Barbara Loomes
Roy Loomes
Joe Lovell
Marjorie Lowman
Ron Lowman
Tim Lowman
Barry Lumb
Betty Lumb
Oliver Lynes
Tony Lyon
Mary Mace
William Mace
Duncan Mackay
Kenneth Mackay
Harley Magill
Harry Magill
Lexi Magill
Susie Magill
Karen Main
Mollie Maine
Mr Allan Major
Mrs Mary Major
June Mander
Amy Mansfield
Sydney Mansfield
Sydney John Mansfield
Ingrid Marais
Philippa Jane March
Queenie Marcroft
Roy Marriott
Christina Marshall
Ivor Marshall
Malcolm Marshall
Michael Marshall
Mr George Marshall
Mrs Joyce Marshall
Diane Martin
Hubert Martin
Jace Martin
Mary Martin
Rene Maslar
Carole Mason
George Mason
Joseph Arthur Mason
June Mason
June Betty Mason
Wilma Mason
Graham Mather
Robert (Bob) Mather
Marjorie Mathers
Mick Mathers
Sam Mathers
Kenneth Maycock
Kerry Maycock
Betty Mayo
Douglas & Eileen Mayo
Emily Mayo
Gladys & Albert Mayo
Julie Mayo
Maureen Mayo
Roderick Mayo
Dudley Hughes Mbe
Betty Mcclay
Celia Mcginty
Danny Mcginty
George Mcilfatrick
Annie Mckay
Joan Mckay
John Mckay
John Mckay Snr
Edith Mclaughlin
Patricia Mcloughlin
Betty Meadows
Francis Eustace Meadows
Albert Merrick
Stephen Charles Merry
Cliff Message
Caroline Metrovich
Grizelda Metrovich
Jimmy Metrovich
Steven Metrovich
Mr & Mrs C A Metzger
Avroula Mexi
Finlay Miles
Gloria Miles
Les Miles
Rose Miles
Ken Milligan
Audrey Mary Mills
Gwen Mills
Leonard Mills
Maggie Mills
Norman Mills
Sally Mills
Jim Milne
Daphne Mitchell
Eric George Mitchell
Elizabeth Moffat
James Moffat
Alice Molloy
Jim Molloy
Mick Molloy
Jean Elise Moor
Amy Moore
Berrice Edmund Moore
John Moore
Leslie John Moore
Margaret Moore
Vic Moore
John Varden Morris
Ron Morris
Sylvia Morris
Zachary Morris
George & Eva Morrison
June Morrison
Gwen Mosdall
Chris Moss
Kath & Ken Moss
Mr Ron Moss
Mrs Doreen Moss
Peter Moss
Linda Gardner (My Mother)
Francis Moulder
Heather Moulder
Linda Gardner My Mum
Edna Munro
Louis(Lou)James Munro
Iris Murray
Jim Murray
Joan Murray
Michael Murray
William Murray
Mike Hawke R N
Mike Narborough
Elisa Nardone
Enrico Nardone
Maureen Nelmed
Maureen Nelmes
Doris Nevin
George Nevin
Mr P J Newbury
Avril Jan Newman
Eileen Sabina Newman
Wilfred John Newman
David Niblett
Mr David Niblett
Mrs Peggy Niblett
Sue Niblett
David Nicklin
Malcolm Nicoll
Raymond Nicoll
Richard James Nightingale
Dot Nisbett
Reg Norledge
Rose Norledge
Clifford & Joan Norton
Pat And Walt Norton
Tiny Oakenfold R N
Cecil O'Boyle
Joan O'Boyle
Bet O'Connor
Barbara O'Flinn
Donna O'Loughlin
David Oliver
George Oliver
John Oliver
Megan Oliver
Molly Oliver
Rosemary Oliver
Sadie Oliver
Sam Oliver
Faith Onyeka
Belinda Jean Ormsby
Fred Osborn
Glenis Osborn
Albert Charles Osborne
Barbara Hamilton Osborne
Grace Osborne
Robert Osborne
David John Owen
David Owen
George Owen
Isabella Owen
Mr David John Owen
Norman Owen
Shirley Owen
Valerie Owen
Joyce Owens
Roy Owens
June Packwood
Fred Padfield
June Padfield
Miss June Padfield
Mr Gordon Padfield
Mrs Josephine Padfield
Yvonne Padfield
Heather Palmer
Friends Of Broadway Park
Mr Eric Edward Parker
Muriel Mair Partridge
Brada Pawlowska
Andrea Pearcy
Ann Peckham
Vincent Peers
Ian Thomas Penfold
Josie Percy
Derrick Perkins
Donald Perkins
Mick Perkins
Sarah Perkins
George Edward Perks
Ronald Geoff Perry
Tom Perry
Harold Petch
Margaret Petch
Raymond Petch
Maureen Phillips
Michael Phillips
Raymond Phillips
John Philpott
Robert Philpott
Joe Phipps
Brian Pickering
Carole Pickering
Jim Pickering
Joyce Pickering
Don Pitman
Dot Pitman
Ada Lillian Pitts
Leigh Taylor (My Sugar Plum)
Barbara Plumb
Lee Pointon
Flo Pollicott
Tom Pollicutt
Enid Dorothy Pomfrett
Molly Pope
Andrew Vernon Powell
Albert Powers
Andrew Powers
Heather Powers
Mr Fred Powers
Mrs Stella Powers
Doris Preece
Joe Preece
Keith Preece
Mr Keith Preece
Sandra Preece
Gill Preedy
James Prentice
Jen Perkins Nee Preston
John Preston
Mary Preston
Walter Preston
Florence Mary Price
Bryn Pridmore
Martin Pridmore
Constance Florence Prior
Phillip John Prior
Sorren Prosser
Nat Protherough
Wendy Protherough
Derek Prudden
Peggy Prudden
Julie Pugh
John Quincey
Albert Raines
Laura Raines
Andrea Randles
Gail Rankin (Papa Smurf)
Agnes Raphael
Jack Raphael
Sam Raphael
Scott Raphael
Susan Rayner
James Reay
Alan Redding
Marilyn Redding
Arthur Reed
Ellen Reed
Mr Harry Reek
Mrs Iris Reek
Shan Rees
Jessie Reeves
Joy Reeves
Leslie Reeves
Ron Reeves
Brenda Jean Reynolds
Stephen Anthony Reynolds
Lilly Ribbons
Ron Ribbons
Ben Richards
Karen Richards
Sonia Richards
Vera Richards
Iris Betty Rickett
Leslie Rickett
Marjorie Ricketts
Lizzie Ridley
Paul Ridley
Barry Storey Rmp
David Robbins
Dawn Robbins
Steve Robbins
Burt Roberts
Donald George Roberts
Jill Roberts
Peter James Roberts
Sheila Roberts
Charley Robertson
Carley Robinson
Catherine Robinson
Julie Robinson
Margaret Robinson
Patti Robinson
Betty Alice Roden
Stanley George Roden
Graham Rodway
Stephen Rodway
Ted Roebuck
John Rogers
Mrs Shirley Rogers
Rose Rogers
Shirley Rogers
George Roome
Alex Rose
Barbara Rose
Dick Rose
John Rose
John H Rose
Layla Rose
Mr & Mrs F A Rose
Keith Round
Doris Rouse
Leonard Rouse
Joan Rowsell
Roger Rowsell
Tom Rowsell
Scout Tom Rudkin
Pat Rushton
Scout Paul Rushton
Martyn Russell
Raymond Russell
Robert Charles Russell
Eve Rutherford
Olive Rutherford
Tom Rutherford
Jenny De Ruyter
David Sadler
Myra Sadler
Carol Salter
Claire Salter
John Salter
Kathleen Salter
Keith Salter
Kenneth Salter
Paul Salter
Christine Sandalls
Jack Sandalls
Alfred Sanders
Margaret Sanders
Gerald Sanger
Anthony Saunders
Harry Saunders
Jean Saunders (Nan)
Gary Scarrott
Pete Scarrott
Fred Scott
Jamie Scott
Kathleen Scott
Nick Scott
Patricia Scott
Leslie Bertram Selby
Leslie Maurice Selby
Ethel M Seville
Harry Seville
Peter John Shadbolt
Constance Shakespeare
Ernest Shakespeare
David Shaw
Canning Sheila
Bill Shepherd
Ann Sherman
Iain Sherriff
Iris Shilham
Jack Shilham
Maralyn Shilham
Gordon Shilton
Joyce Shilton
Steve Shirley
Anita Shoobridge
Malcolm Shorey
Maurice Shorey
Eunice Shorthouse
Ron Shorthouse
Meg Sidney
Mr Harry Roger Siepmann
Mr Harry Siepmann
Bob Simmons
Sandra Simmons
Gladys Simms
Henry Simms
Brenda Muriel Simon
Derek Simons
Joyce Simons
Edward Simpson
Neil Simpson
Bob Sinderberry
Vi Sinderberry
John Skinner
June Slatter
Ted Slatter
Jan Slivensky
Adrian Small
Bernard Anthony Smith
Bill Smith
Emma Smith
Ernest Sidney Smith
Fred Smith
George Smith
Gladys Smith
Jim Smith
John Wilfred Smith
Joy Helen Smith
Lewis Smith
Marjorie Irene Nellie Smith
Max Smith
Mr Sid Smith
Nicky Smith
Nina Smith
Raymond Smith
Vera Smith
Yvonne Smith
Margaret Smith.
Ted Smout
Violet Smout
John Mckay Snr
Angie Southern
George Southern
Les Southern
Mary Southern
Doris & Dave Spiers
Geoff Spiers
Lesley Spiers
Nev Spiers
Tracey Andrew John Spiers
David Albert Spiller
Wally Spragg
Mr Lionel William Squibb
Ernie Stafford
Jean Stafford
Jack Staley
John Stanley
Lesley Stanley
Nellie Stanley
Richard(Oscar) Stanley
Ronald John Stanley
Albert Stanton
Helen Stanton
Reg Taylor (Grampy Star)
Elizabeth Stayte
William Stayte
Mary Stead
Harry Van Der Steen
Joan Van Der Steen
Miet Van Der Steen
Jan Stepanek
Zdenka Stepankova
Allan Stephen
Doris Stephens
Edith Stephens
Harold Stephens
Henry Stephens
Ron Stephens
Ruth Stephens
Sheila Stevenson
Ivor Stewart
Judith Stewart
Kenny Stewart
Mr Malcolm Stewart
Brian Stokes
Florence Stokes
Caleb Stone
Josh Stone
Edward Street
Marian Street
Margaret Strongman
Ramona Styles
Robert Styles
Albert Edward Such
Barrie Edward Such
Douglas John Such
Olive Zena Such
Luke Sullivan-Reeve
Gordon Summers
Joan Summers
Linda Sunley
Lewis Sutton
Margaret Sutton
Karen Fotheringham (My Sweetheart)
Beryl Winifred Johnson (My Sweetpea)
Teresa Talbot
Pauline Tamcken
Len & Nell Tandy
Mr John James Tandy
Mrs Elsie Tandy
Colin Tasker
Marna Tasker
Jayne Tattersall
Betty Helen Taylor
Bill Taylor
Caroline and Oliver Taylor
Charles Taylor
David Taylor
Donald Taylor (Dad)
Dr George Taylor
Graham Taylor
Harry Edward George Taylor
Ian Taylor
Ida Taylor
Irene Taylor
Leigh Taylor (Brother)
Lily Taylor
Margaret Taylor (Mum)
Max Taylor
Mr J Graham Taylor
Mrs Ann Taylor
Raymond Taylor
Reg Taylor (Grampy Star)
Andrew Telford
Eliza Telford
Clarence Cornelius Terry
Mark Antony Terry
Neil Barry Terry
Owen Thomas
Olav Thommasen-Telle
Derek Alan Thompson
Val Thompson
Frank William (Quick Silver) Thould
Mollie Thould
Norman Thould
Peggy Thould
Ron Thould
Colin Till
Eileen Tilson
John Tilson
Howard Timms
Mr Brian Van Toller
Danny Tomes
Linda Maureen Toney
William Thomas Toney
William Tomas Toney
Mrs Sally Tooth
Florence Townley
John Townley
Mary Townsend
Evelyn Troughton
Robert Troughton
Ada Trow
Edward Trow
Peter Trow
Maureen Tuck
Gwyn Tucker
James Tucker
Maisie Tucker
Mandy (Amanda) Tucker
Angie Turner
Bob Turner
Daniel Turner
Don Turner
Kim Andrew Turner
Mary Turner
Rob Turner
John Turvey
Doris Tustin
Elliott James Tustin
George Tustin
Gladys (Mary) Tustin
John Tustin
Murial Tustin
Muriel Tustin
Phillippa May Tustin
Reg Tustin
Reginald Tustin
Sylvia Tustin
Valerie Tustin
Walter Tustin
Elsie Tye
Elsie Tye
Walter Tye
Walter Tye
Clarice Tyers
Maurice Tyler
Ray Tyler
Evelyn Marina Ulyatt
Fred Underhill
Madge Underhill
Janet Annetta Upson
Joan Mary Upson
Julie Upton
Thomas Upton
Doreen Clare Utting
John Vale
Ann Valender
Charlie Valender
Connie Valender
Freda Valender
Ida Mary Valentine
Lewis Valentine
Marel Varney
Mel Varney
Knocker Verhoest
Nick (Knocker) Verhoest
Pip Vernon
Frank Westwood N S W
Gordon Wade
Jean Wade
Elaine Walden
George Walden
Ivy Walden
John Walden
Pam Walden
Alan Walding
Donald F Walker
Edna Walker
Enid Walker
Francis Walker
Gill & Pam Walker
Graham Ivor Walker
Harvine Walker
Ian Francis Walker
Janet Walker
Nelson Walker
Phillip Walker
Raymond Walker
Ron Walker
Roy Wall
Terry Wall
Vera Wall
Helen Wallace
Richard Walter
Michael Walters
Gweneth Mary Walton
Bob Ward
Iris Ward
Ray Ward
Eric Waterhouse
Jane Waterhouse
Alastair Waters
Derek Waters
Eileen Waters
Ivan Waters
Nigel Waters
Ruby Waters
Sue Waters
Marion Watkins
Elsie Watson
Elsie Watson
Ernest Errington Watson
Jack Watson
Jack Watson
Lila Doris Errington Watson
Etienne & Joseph Wattam
Lilian Watton
Richard Watton
David John Watts
Paul Wayland
Dennis Weaver
Kevin Weaver
Florence Webb
Graham John Webb
Irene May Webb
Lionel Webb
Mr & Mrs M Webb
Wendy Blower Nee Webb
Ivor Weeks
Ivy Weeks
Janet Welch
Ray Welch
Derek Wells
Patricia Mary Wells
Dorothy Ada West
Frederick Leslie West
Tom West
Bet Westmacott
Doug Whitehead
Janet Whitehead
Ivan Whitehouse
Ivan John Whitehouse
Nicola Whitehouse
Alys & Charles Whiting
Debs Whiting
Lindsey Whittingham
Robert Whyard
Nils Wilkes
Noel Wilkes
Doreen Wilkins
George Wilkins
Grace Wilks
John Wilks
Dirk Willett
Joan Willett
Brian George Williams
Elizabeth (Betty) Christine Williams
John Williams
Madeline Williams
Martin Williams
Mary Williams
Raymond Williams
Robert P Williams
Robert Williams
Sylvia Williams
Sheila Elizabeth Willies
Danielle Leanne Willis
Graham Willis
Margaret Willis
William Willis
Bill Wilson
Doreen Wilson
Ellen Winkett
George Winkett
Jean Winkett
Scout Mark Wintonn
Chris Withey
Lisa Mary Wittenberg
Malcolm Woodcock
Geoff Woodedd
Sheila Woodedd
Curtis Woodhouse
Don Woodhouse
Robert Edward Woodhouse
Vera Woodhouse
John Woods
Pearl Woods
Raymond W G Woodward
Rita J Woodward
Walter & Mary Woodward
Leon Wooldridge
Peter Woolley
Joyce Worthington
Mick Worthington
Dennis Wright
Freya Wu
Joyce Camden (Mum) Xx
Angela Young
Raising Funds for local Charities
Over the years we have raised over £265,000 which has been donated to charities and good causes. Most of them are local to the Evesham area or support this area. Some of these are shown on the link below.
The donations are generally for the overall running costs of the charity, but we also invite charities to apply for funding for a specific project or need.
This is typical of the comments we receive:
You Turn Centre
"With the support of the Tree of Light, the generous donation enabled You Turn to organise a narrow-boat trip along the River Avon. This trip enabled a much-needed break after the stresses of isolation and lock-down. The young people said it was the best trip they had been on. We are extremely grateful for the donation and support from the Tree of Light. Such a fantastic way to support our community."
Michele Bell (Project Manager)
Our Charity Partners - click here to see details of our charity partners.
The Switch-On: Thursday 28th November 2024, 6pm for 6.30, Evesham Methodist Church forecourt & Workman Bridge.
Join us before the 6.30 Switch-On for a foretaste of Christmas with mince pies and fruit punch and, after the tree is lit, carol singing. We are very grateful to County Councillor Emma Stokes, who has once again arranged for Workman Bridge to be closed to traffic for the short period of the switch-on. Further details of the event will be added here shortly.
STOP PRESS! The Battle of Evesham team had to cancel the Lantern Parade this year because of the terrible weather, so they have joined forces with Evesham Rotary Club to combine the illumination of the Tree of Light with the Lantern Parade. Another very good reason to come on Thursday at 6pm and enjoy the Tree of Light and the beautiful Lantern Parade.
The lights get their yearly check-up before installation.
The 16 strings of lights have had their annual check-up and, although it is clear that several older strings are approaching the end of their lives, we have a full, safe set installed and ready for lighting up on the 28th.
Tree of Light Business Donations
We are very grateful for generous donations from the following organisations:
Bluebird Care Worcester and Wychavon.
Care Check Ltd.
Cotswold Provisions Ltd.
Cox and Hodgetts.
DRG Interior and Building Solutions Ltd.
Evenproducts Ltd.
Howden Insurance Ltd.
Jet Plant Hire Ltd.
Ourside Youth Association
Rooftop Housing Group.
The Accountancy Office Ltd.
Troughton Transport Ltd.
Walsh Mushrooms UC.
Zenith Nurseries Ltd.
We also express our gratitude to the following businesses which kindly collect donations every year:
Badsey Post Office, High Street, Badsey.
Cheltenham Road Post Office, Evesham.
Osborne's of Evesham, Swan Lane, Evesham.
Simply Stone, Port Street, Evesham.