On these pages you can see what projects The Rotary Club of Evesham is involved with. On this page we'll share information about our twinning arrangement with Clubs in Europe.
By clicking on the menu bar to the side you will be able to see how we are supporting a Club in The Phillipines.
Our Club has an active programme of supporting International projects where we can provide financial help.
We allocate funds towards disaster relief. In the past this has, for example, involved sending a ShelterBox - click the logo for more information.
or an AquaBox - click the logo for more information.
to areas of the world which have suffered natural disasters.
We are active supporters of the Rotary International campaign, 'End Polio Now' to eradicate poliomyelitis and hold a special fundraising event each year. For further information, please follow this link by clicking on the logo;
Special projects
Provision of toilet blocks in schools in Sri Lanka
In 2019 - Evesham Rotary Club together with our 2 Interact Cubs raised £3540 towards a grand total of about £8500. We worked in partnership with Pershore Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs, the District Inner Wheel organisation and the amount raised was topped up by donations from Hereford, Wye and Malvern Inner Wheel Clubs. This enabled the building of 7 toilet blocks in 7 different schools in Sri Lanka with the installations being managed by Kandy & Trincomalee Rotary Clubs.
Plaques have been erected at all sites with 2 sites individually showing the support of our 2 Interact Clubs.

Our project for 2020/2021 is to raise funds jointly with Pershore Rotary & Inner Wheel Clubs , Chipping Campden & Worcester Rotary Clubs with a possible contribution from Hereford Rotary Club towards a project in Nepal.
The idea is to find a way of facilitating lunchtime food for the Nepalese children who often have to walk up to 2 hours through rugged terrain to get to school. The plan is to provide 36 schools with lunch boxes at a cost of £4500. The Himalayan Trust
is trying to fund this through their ‘just giving’ appeal which has so far raised £2500.
Water/toilet/shower block project.
Lelep School (in Nepal). So far, we have contributed £350 out of £1400 from our 4 Rotary Clubs to re-establish water to supply to the girls’ hostel. Unfortunately, Covid 19 has put a stop to progress at the moment but the fundraising events we had planned jointly with Chipping Campden Rotary Club will be held as soon as such events are allowed.
When this project is finalised, we hope that the next stage of the project will be to help build a new science facility at Bhumdicot School.
Club International Twinning Programme
We recently reviewed our International Twinning program, which has been in place for 38 years. We asked; ‘If we were to put the international twinning program together today, from scratch, what would it look like?’
The main elements of the existing program are:
a. Cultural exchange and fellowship
b. One weekend meeting per year rotating across the 5 clubs
c. Communication and exchange of ideas
d. €15 per year per member that is spent by the host on a local project
e. Supporting an international project managed by a twinning partner
The main vehicle for achieving the objectives is the annual meeting.
Based on the feedback from the 5 clubs we concluded:
1) Cultural exchange between Rotary clubs from different countries and fellowship is valuable.
2) The annual event is a vital component of the twinning program for cultural exchange and fellowship.
3) Cultural exchange and fellowship should not be the only objective of the twinning program. In general support for exchange of ideas, joint projects and better use of Rotary grants.
4) The option to stay with hosts is an important aspect of the annual event. Fellowship and reducing cost for the guests are important reasons to provide hosting but Fellowship is the more important one (on a voluntary basis).
5) What type of projects are most important for the twinning programme? This is open for debate. It will be good to develop an approach for joint international projects with district and RGBI support (global grant).
6) What is the best way to manage the twinning programme. One short annual meeting involving the Club Presidents is important but additional contact between key people in the clubs would be useful.
7) The general question is how we can make the twinning program relevant for the 21st century.
- Cultural exchange and fellowship (How to do it and reduce costs?)
- International joint projects (What process results in support by all 5 clubs?)
- Learn from each other (How can the process be improved?)
So, we have challenges to work on in the near future. The implications of Covid19 on our program might result in new approaches that can also be used for our International program.
International Twinning Visit
2016 was Evesham's year to host the annual International visit of the five clubs involved in our European twinning arrangement. Evesham hosted 31 Rotarians from our twinned clubs in Norway, Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands.
It was a wonderful weekend with old and new friends from these clubs. Many of the Rotarians were hosted by our own members, while some stayed in local hotels or bed and breakfast as part of a longer stay in the UK.
On Friday evening a number of Evesham Rotarians hosted our guests for dinner, which meant that there were a few sore heads on Saturday morning when we all met to travel to Stratford upon Avon. We were all treated to a behind the scenes tour of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre which was fascinating even for the Evesham members! We then enjoyed a 2 hour cruise along the River Avon, though at one point we wondered whether we would have to walk back when we found ourselves broadside across the river unable to turn completely around because of the strong wind. The biggest cheer of the day was reserved for the member of the boat's crew who pushed us around with a large pole!
Saturday evening we all met at Beckford, where we were firstly entertained by Evesham Community Choir, and then enjoyed a meal together.There were the mandatory speeches, but all made in good spirit and fun.
While the majority of the group were given a tour of Evesham on Sunday morning (in sunshine!) the Presidents and senior members of the five clubs met to discuss International projects as well as sharing our experiences and good ideas.
The clubs all agreed to fund a project at Ourside Youth Centre in Evesham as this year's project in Evesham. We are also considering a joint International project to help people in the world who are so much less fortunate than ourselves. More on that decision will follow later.
Following lunch in the rowing club we all bid farewell to our visitors, quite a sad occasion. We all made and in some cases renewed many friendships.
Next year the Twinning visit will take place in The Netherlands.
More photos in our photo gallery.
Twinning Visit in May 2016
In May of this year Evesham will be hosting the International Twinning visit from our four international partners. These Rotary Clubs are:
Bekkelaget, (Norway)
Krimpenerwaard – West (Netherlands)
Buxtehude (Germany).
Geraardsbergen – Oudenberg from Belgium.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our fellow Rotarians and partners to Evesham.
More information regarding the arrangements will follow very shortly.