Club Meeting Notes 2024-2025
Club Meeting NOtes 2024-2025
Club meeting minutes 2nd July 2024
Attendees:- J Davey (Chair), T Battersby, D Cartwright, P Davidson, C Davis, J Harris, O Lister, T Malin, J Mansfield, M Mather, P Richards, P Staines, R Warrington. (P Nilo-Walton at Interact)
Guest:- Simon Brown on behalf of Street Pastors.
Apologies:- L Boudier, M King, S Lomas, H Van der Steen, T Willis.
Welcome and Introduction. President Joyce Davey welcomed everyone to her first meeting as President and a warm welcome to Simon Brown who is the speaker today on behalf of Street Pastors.
OL gave a brief report on last weeks District Conference, the speakers were excellent, venue adequate. JH was there for the whole event, and both will give a full report at next week’s Business Meeting.
JH reported that she had attended Worcester Handover last night. An excellent evening, as was their recent 100th Anniversary event.
JD briefly reported on a Zoom meeting which had also been attended by HVDS. More and fuller information at next week’s Business Meeting.
Notices and communications. Secretary TM gave the following information:-
Confirmation that the Compliance Statement had been signed off and registered with District.
Update from M King whose move to Kingswear is expected to be complete by the end of August.
A Thank You letter had been received from TDMS for prize money donation and this was circulated around the members present.
An invitation had been received from Pershore RC regarding a lunch time cruise on the Countess of Evesham on the 31st July, at a cost of £35 per head. Tickets are limited, anyone interested please contact TM directly who will forward the relevant information.
Welfare. President JD reminded everyone present that the funeral of Barbara Bott will take place on Friday 5th July at 2pm at the Fladbury Crematorium.
Speaker Simon Brown. Simon is the acting coordinator for Evesham Street Pastors. The organisation in Evesham was set up by the late John Darby 11 years ago. They operate in Evesham Town, and are a Christian organisation. Their three main objectives are Caring, Listening, and Helping. Caring can involve just about anything but broken glass, bottles and discarded cans are cleared from the streets. Listening, some youngsters just want to talk. Helping, wherever they can, including water, flip flops for girls who have abandoned their high heels, foil space blankets and of course lollipops. There are lots of evening venues and pubs in Evesham and up to 500 people can be around town between 1 and 3 am in the morning, and events such as The Mop can be extremely busy. Simon showed the meeting a video of the work undertaken by the street pastors and also the Prayer support provided to them to carry out their work. The organisation is not overtly Christian but they are always willing to talk. They receive a lot of support from local businesses and organisations, i.e. Tesco’s have provided free water. Street Pastors undergo 50 hours of training with a wide and varied number of topics covered. They do not however, ever attempt to break up fights. Historically they were set up in 1993 and currently operate in 270 cities / towns throughout the country.
Questions and answers
What is a Super Sunday?. A Sunday before a Bank Holiday Monday. People in town up to 3 / 4 am in the morning.
Pastors / Prayer Partners come from all walks of life and many different Churches.
Pastors / Prayer Partners must have a current link to a Church and would require a referral from the Priest to apply to join the organisation.
There are currently 18 Street Pastors, but only 13 are available to patrol at the moment.
Next meeting. 9th July 2024, Business meeting at Ecgwins PMC, Peter Davidson to chair.
Future meetings.
16th July, evening meeting at Raphaels with partners. Speaker Robert Raphael, Mayor of Evesham.
30TH July, evening meeting with partners at Feltons restaurant in Vine Street, Evesham. This is for the 5th Tuesday in the month and is a new venue for the club.
Birthdays. Oliver Lister had a birthday on the 30th June. Many Happy Returns.
AOB. Members were reminded that the car parking at the Battle of Evesham is NOT a Rotary event, but should you wish to volunteer on an individual basis, Patrick Staines has already circulated the information, and you should communicate directly with Chris Bloomfield.
Tim Malin
Business meeting minutes 9th July 2024
Present: David Cartwright, Peter Davidson, Carole Davis, Jan Harris, Tony Henri, Oliver Lister, Tim Malin, John Mansfield, Merlin Mather, Peter Richards, Patrick Staines, Hein van der Steen, Roger Warrington.
Apologies: Trevor Battersby, Len Boudier, Joyce Davey, Martin King, Sue Lomas, Pamela Nilo-Walton, Tim Willis.
Guests: Helen Rushmore.
CHAIR – SVP Peter Davidson
1) Welcome to guests
President Joyce had to apologise for this meeting and SVP Peter Davidson chaired the meeting. He welcomed all members, particularly our guest Helen Rushmore. Helen recently gave a presentation to our club as the Chair of Signpost Broadway as one of the recipients of a TOL grant. Helen has short term more travel commitments than usual but will attend our meetings when possible.
2) Welfare. No new information.
3) Minutes dated 2nd July 2024 were approved.
4) Matters arising. None.
5) Report from Treasurer (JH)
Rotary Club of Evesham balances 09.07.2024 are:
General Fund £ 3,720.96
Business instant £ 2.48 This account will be closed
CAF Cash £ 298.22
CAF Gold £ 4,510.26 Need for this account to be discussed by JH, PR and JH
TOL £19,678.44
Total £28,210.36
Some GIFT aid still has to come in. Most members have paid their fees for 2024/25. Those who have not, please arrange payment. Some of the funds are needed to cover anticipated costs. For instance, £600 for new lamps for our light strings and for future replacement of strings. But funding is available to support projects, charities and community groups.
6) Membership and Media together with Zoom meeting update (HVDS)
The next event to promote Rotary will be the Battle of Evesham on the 3rd and 4th of August (see point 10). Our strategy in general is to promote Rotary in collaboration with RITV The aim is to always have an activity that attracts people. We need to be sure that we participate in these events, have our own promotion material and explain what Rotary is about, and in what way the two clubs differ.
The M&M team will meet shortly to discuss the strategy for membership, potentially including Interact, TOL, Businesses, ECN and other/new projects.
Joyce and Hein participated in an RGBI Zoom meeting about corporate membership and Impact clubs. It was a good meeting with ideas/suggestions that could be relevant for our club. It is a part of the Rotary NORTH STAR project (see Rotary magazine, Summer 2024). The M&M team will have a good look at the Zoom meeting report and the suggestions from the North Star project and present some ideas/suggestions to the club. Key of course is to have members that are able to implement the chosen strategy.
7) Foundation, Fundraising and International (PD)
Foundation: PD contacted District Foundation Officer, Richard Campbell. He is willing to attend a club meeting to give a presentation. It will have to be an evening meeting, potentially in September. PD will also invite RITV and Pershore RC.
Charlie Homer is prepared to present to us on the current Cancer Appeal at Cheltenham Hospital.
JH and PNW are developing a Murder Mystery event in All Saints Church.
A script is already available
Food (fairly simple) and drinks
A raffle to raise additional funds
RITV will be invited to take part
Friday 25th of October was suggested
Event opened up to other local clubs, Inner Wheel family and friends.
Budget to be prepared
A focus group would be established, JH to check if church was available. JH will prepare a budget for the event to establish Financial risk and for presentation to the club who would be asked to vote approval.
International. No updates on twinning plans. In general, it is good to learn from and work with other clubs through our twinning programme and international contacts individual members have.
8) Schools and Vocational (PNW)
PNW reported on money raised by PHHS Interact for new tables and chairs at Lighthouse. Progress is being made by TDMS Interact and things are beginning to happen. Both clubs are doing very well. JD reported that Master Chef is very proactive in the schools.
PHHS achievements were celebrated during their speech day. Interact as well represented and the role of Rotary was acknowledged, something we can build on.
9) Tree of Light update, next meeting 2:30 pm, 9th July at Richmond, Wood Norton (OL)
OL reported that all light strings had been checked and approved. 200 new lamps had been ordered at a cost of £600.
10) Battle of Evesham, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of August
RCoE and RitV will have a combined stall at the BoE. Hein (RCoE) and George (RitV) will plan the event. We probably need a minimum of 3 members of each club to be involved during two-hour slots between 11 am and 5 pm. Please let Hein know when you will be able to represent our club.
We previously took on the job of collecting the money at the entrance of the car park. This year we will not take on a specific job as a Rotary club, but individual members of our club are asked whether they can volunteer for jobs that are doable. This volunteering can involve collecting money at the car park entrance, car park marshalling, general marshalling/bucket collection, litter picking, selling merchandise or the more physical jobs of putting up fencing and gazebos. A spreadsheet provided by Chris Bloomfield tells you which jobs and timeslots require volunteers. Please let Chris Bloomfield know which tasks and timeslots you would like to volunteer for. You might want to give Chris some flexibility if several time slots and jobs are an option.
11) Update on “Speak up” initiative (PS)
This is the compliance dealing with Club/member issues. Which internal and external dispute procedures to follow if needed. Patrick handed out envelopes with the “RCoE ‘speak Up’ Policy & Procedure; Dispute Management Procedure” and will make sure each member will receive it.
12) Evesham Charity Network, next meeting 11th July 2024 12:00 at The Lighthouse (OL)
Katie Gilbert (Evesham Noticeboard) will talk about Evesham Noticeboard’s presence on social media and how it can be of use to organisations. Sarah Ennis (Fair Trade Officer for Worcestershire Trading Standards) will introduce ‘Friends Against Scams’ a new initiative to help spread awareness to tackle scammers. Caroline Tredwell (Wychavon District Council’s Place Project Officer for Evesham) will give information about the Evesham Ambassadors Programme. Peter & Joyce will represent RCoE and Hein represents Evesham Dementia Action Alliance. This means that we can monitor the functioning of the ECN and provide support and guidance. RCoE sponsors the event paying for the Buffet Lunch. This need to acknowledged better (Action Joyce/Peter).
13) Feedback from District Cluster Conference (PD, JH, OL)
Jan participated fully while Peter and Oliver attended on the Saturday. The total attendance of 400 members and partners was not overwhelming. Several speakers as usual, covering Rotary issues, Rotary projects and interesting topics. It was a mix of things that went well and not so well. Next time we will have our own D1100 one day conference. Future options will no doubt be debated, but the one-day conference might well be the way to go.
14) Rotary Rondels to Abbey Gate Gardens, update (OL). Moved to August business meeting.
15) Next meeting, 16th July 2024, Evening meeting at Raphaels. Robert Raphael Mayor of Evesham is the speaker.
16) Future meetings: 23rd July, Club meeting at Ecgwins PMC, 12:00 for 12:30. Speaker Sarah Turner representing CAB. 30th July, 5th Tuesday, Evening meeting with partners at Feltons Restaurant, Vine St, Evesham (see separate email).
17) Birthdays. 13th July – Peter Richards
18) AOB DC mentioned that the use of club emails needs to be implemented.
Hein van der Steen
Evening speaker meeting minutes 16th July 204
Attendees:- J Davey (Chair), T & L Malin, J Harris, T & M Battersby, P & M Staines, C Davis, H & S Van der Steen, J Mansfield, P & I Nilo-Walton, T & V Henri, O & L Lister, P Davidson, S & J Lomas. Guest Speaker, Robert Raphael, Mayor of Evesham.
Apologies:- D Cartwright, L Boudier, T Willis, M Mather, P Richards, R Warrington, M King
President JD welcomed everyone to the meeting including our guest speaker for the evening Robert Raphael, Mayor of Evesham.
No birthdays or welfare issues.
JD Read out an email received from Barrie Baldelli updating the club on the situation regarding the legal transfer / ownership of the Abbey Garden project which is now complete apart from final signatures. He thanked the Rotary Club of Evesham and all its members for their help in reaching this situation.
Guest Speaker – Robert Raphael. Robert introduced himself not as a Politician, but someone who was there to represent Evesham. He first got into Politics at the age of 10 when concerned with an overgrowing footpath to Hampton needed attention. He did this by creating a petition which was sent to Martin Davey! Magically the footpath was cleared and repaired. Joan Emsley, a local accountant gave him his first job at the age of 18 and where he passed all his accountancy exams. At the age of 21 he stood for Evesham Town Council and lost, but at the age of 22 he stood again and he won a seat on the Council. He loved the position on the Town Council and in 1997 he became Mayor for the first time, the youngest to date. Again in 2012, Jubilee year he was again appointed Mayor. He explained that there is no definitive handbook for being Mayor, but in essence there are 3 main requirements. Ambassador for the Town, Organising the Council and its work, and attending many other functions in other towns during the year. In 2012 the Olympic Torch was due to pass through Evesham and it was considered that something must be done to commemorate this event. After detailed discussions with other local Mayors, they did manage to hold a very memorable event. He became a District Councillor which he much enjoyed, particularly that at District Level, you are in a position to make things happen. He became Chair of the Council in 2020, but this turned out to be a very difficult year with Covid lockdown and everything was conducted on line. In 2023 he was elected Chairman of District again, and managed to visit all 77 Parishes within the district and carry out 192 engagements. It was also the 50th Anniversary of Wychavon DC and this was celebrated at Pershore Abbey. In 2024 he was again appointed Mayor of Evesham for the third time. He outlined his hopes for the future of Evesham and in particular wished to give prominence to the traffic situation, which is a nightmare, the Riverside shopping Centre, and its future and the creation of footpaths and cycle ways to connect with Stratford upon Avon. In summary, he outlined what has been achieved in Evesham which is considerably more than most people realise, and what we do, we do very well.
Q&A. Mayor Robert answered a considerable number of questions from those present dealing with such issues as the Public Hall and its future use as a Theatre, all the various options for the shopping centre, the number of Festivals organised in the town, the current cleaning of the streets with is excellent and of course the ongoing parking problems. He outline his views on how Evesham should promote itself and the fact that there are too many empty shops in Evesham. A vote of thanks was given by Past President Oliver Lister
Tim Malin
Speaker meeting 23rd July 2024
Present: David Cartwright, Joyce Davey (Chair), Peter Davidson, Jan Harris, Oliver Lister, Sue Lomas,
John Mansfield, Merlin Mather, Pamela Nilo-Walton, Peter Richards, Patrick Staines, Hein van der
Steen, Roger Warrington.
Apologies: Trevor Battersby, Len Boudier, Carole Davis, Carole Davis, Tony Henri, Martin King, Tim Malin, Tim Willis.
Guests: Sara Turner
1. Welcome and Introduction. President Joyce Davey welcomed everyone, and a warm
welcome to Sara Turner who is the speaker today on behalf of Evesham Citizens
2. Welfare. No specific issues.
3. Speaker Sara Turner.
- Sara has been in her job at Evesham CA for only three months but has already a
thorough understanding of the issues they have to deal with.
- RCoE has contributed to the ‘Patio Fund’. It is very important for the wellbeing of
staff and volunteers to have a nice space to retreat to after interaction with
- Evesham CA operates under the umbrella of Wychavon CA, but they are
responsible for their own funding. No funding comes from the National CA
- Tasks: support, advice, sign posting, working with other charities, ….
- In the future they hope to be able to do more outreach, work in the community,
more prevention, raising awareness, …
- Important issues: physical and mental health, housing, benefits, tax credits, ….
- Most support through phone calls and information on the website.
Appointments for face-to-face meeting Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 10am
to 1pm.
- Increasingly complex situations to deal with. Clients with multiple issues.
- The contribution from volunteers is essential. A new volunteer starts with a six-
month training programme.
President Joyce handed over the funding certificate and Oliver thanked Sara for her
very informative presentation. RCoE has a longstanding relation with the local CA
and value the work CA does.
4. Next meeting. 30 th July 2024, evening meeting with partners at Feltons restaurant in
Vine Street, Evesham, 7 for 7.30 pm.
5. Future meetings. 6 th August, club meeting at Ecgwins with speaker Marianne Baker
for ‘Read Easy’.
6. Birthdays. None.
7. AOB. None.
Hein vd Steen.
Evening meeting Felton's Restaurant 30th July 2024
Social dinner meeting. Paul Harris Fellowship presentation by IPP Oliver to David Cartwright.
Speaker meeting 6th August 2024
Attendees:- J Davey (Chair), D Cartwright, C Davis, T Henri, S Lomas, T Malin, M Mather, P. Nilo-Walton, P Richards, P Staines, H Van der Steen.
Guests:- Marianne Baker (ReadEasy), Nick Perkins
Apologies:- T Battersby, L Boudier, J Harris, O Lister, J Mansfield, R Warrington, T Willis
1. President Joyce welcomed everyone to the meeting including our two guests.
2. TM confirmed that he will update the club on all correspondence received at next
week’s business meeting.
3. Speaker Marianne Baker, representing ReadEasy. The organisation started in
Evesham in 2020, giving a brief update Marianne explained that she had become
Team Leader in January of this year and although a steep learning curve she is very
much enjoying the role. ReadEasy is a national reading charity, and has been set up
in a large number of areas, but only where volunteers come forward and offer their
services. They are referred to as ‘Pioneers’, and although the hub group is in
Evesham they are hoping to expand into Worcester by the end of the year. They
teach adults to read on a one-to-one coaching method, no group work is involved. It
can take up to 24 months to fully train a reading coach volunteer. The management
team are all volunteers and although they are affiliated to the national ReadEasy
group all funding is provided by local donation. National support is also provided for
IT but all local services are controlled within the community. Learning to read is life
changing, for example, you can get better employment and your mental health and
well-being improve. People often ask, why don’t people learn to read?, and the
answer is, for many reasons, i.e. Travellers, excluded from main stream education,
no proper teaching, and home environment. It can lead to intimidation as school,
frustration and feeling less worthy. Students find that they can only use a very basic
mobile phone to make calls, they cannot read descriptions in supermarkets and end
up looking at pictures, they miss out on available grants and support and generally
are less informed. Jay Blades the television personality was taught to read by
ReadEasy, and openly talks about his situation. There is a big demand for the service
in Evesham, referrals can come from Housing Associations, Social Services, and
Community Networks. There are 7 graduate readers operating in Evesham. Some
students learn remotely with a Zoom meeting, others at a twice a week face to face
meeting of 30 minutes each at Evesham Library, lasting up to 2 years. The cost for
teaching someone to read is approximately £250 and includes all training manuals,
and information. Marianne answered a series of questions from members :-
a. The Library is very supportive, they make no charge at all, even for the
storage of books and manuals.
b. Problems with reading can be caused by Dyslexia. The Phonic teaching
system is best at overcoming learning disabilities.
c. A six-month review is taken on each student and progress assessed.
d. There could be ADHD which is very much a problem with the concentration
of the student is very important.
e. There could be up to 4000 people in the Worcester area who cannot read.
f. Children being home educated or not in full time education often disappear
off the radar and suffer in their learning capabilities.
g. Graduate readers do not get to know the ‘back stories’ of the students and
once the teaching is completed they do not keep in touch with former
h. When students complete the course they are generally at the top of the
primary school level, age approximately 11 years. From here they will
continue to help themselves improve.
4. HVDS gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the club, and President Joyce handed over a
Tree of Light funding certificate to Marianne.
5. AOB
a. HVDS gave a brief update on the Battle of Evesham volunteering, and the
very successful joint stall run by the two local Rotary Clubs.
b. HVDS reported that Cotswold Life magazine wished to publish a small article
on the event and this has been submitted.
6. Next meeting – 13 th August 2024, Business meeting at Ecgwins PMC, 12:00 for 12:30.
7. Future meetings, 20th August, evening meeting at Raphaels, Speaker Sue Coleman for
West Midlands Women’s Aid.
8. Birthdays – None
Tim Malin
Business meeting 13th August 2024
Present: David Cartwright, Carole Davis, Jan Harris, Tony Henri, Oliver Lister, Tim Malin, John
Mansfield, Merlin Mather, Peter Richards, Hein van der Steen, , Trevor Battersby, Len Boudier, Joyce Davey, Sue Lomas.
Apologies: Pamela Nilo-Walton, Tim Willis, Peter Davidson, Patrick Staines, Roger Warrington.
CHAIR – President Joyce
1) Welcome to guests. No guests.
2) Welfare/birthdays
Katrina Davidson’s operation has been delayed till September.
Birthdays: Peter Davidson (16th August), Hein van der Steen and Trevor Battersby (19th August).
3) Minutes dated 9th of July 2024 were approved.
4) Matters arising. None.
5) Report from Secretary Update on correspondence and Rotary initiatives
Many messages are received from D1100 and RGBI each month. The secretary deals with them as follows:
a) Ignore
b) Distribute to appropriate members
c) Put on the agenda for the next Council meeting
Requests for funding are screened and those that warrant consideration are discussed by Council.
Secretary keeps track of those communications that require follow-up.
Speak up Policy, Rotary Values and behaviour. This has now been incorporated in our compliance set of documents.
Kids Out rebranded as Rotary Children’s Fun Day. Communication with the Vale school has not been effective and direct involvement is complicated. We have no plans to get involved with the program at present. The Rotary Children’s Fun Day might need to adapt to the changing circumstances. We will monitor what happens and will decide as and when required.
Youth Projects upgraded and highlighted
Not much action before September. Oliver is working with Lucy Thornton on Young
Health Safety and Compliance, District Initiative
Tim Willis is directly involved. We are still far ahead of district and will continue to monitor
the district activities.
North Star project – Exploring the 5-year vision to strengthen Rotary
No direct impact? See point 7 below.
Impact Portal, notification of upcoming projects / volunteering. Too much work for the clubs to keep up with the district requests? Using volunteers from other clubs and our members volunteering for projects run by other clubs? Wishful thinking? Our contacts with RitV and RC of Pershore are the important ones.
Source of Light Projects to inspire collaboration between clubs during DG Drew's year. He hopes to create and launch or promote various projects across the District that will enable Clubs to collaborate, allow Clubs to form partnerships with other
local charities and community organisations and thus enable us all to INSPIRE Communities and attract new people to join us. The first project The Source of Life
( focuses on two major causes: the scourge of Cancer and the
Pollution of our rivers, and particularly The Wye Valley. Are we will willing to support with a
£200 donation? Probably not. See point VIII below.
Initiative by District 1100 to support Cancer unit at Cheltenham & Glos. Hospital
Overlap with point VII. In general, we have our own list projects and groups/initiatives that we want to support. We want to develop projects that interest the members, that involve the members and create fellowship. But we will decide based on the merits of suggested projects. Next step is a presentation to the club by Charly Homer.
St Richards Hospice fund raising project. Joyce attended a lunch at St Richards Hospice and toured the facility. They need a lot of money (£1 million), and Drew Lacey is promoting fundraising. But Joyce pointed out that we are already supporting the charity.
The examples above tell us that D1100 and RGBI are trying to develop projects and then
expect financial support and input from the clubs. The consensus at Council is that this is not how our Rotary club works.
6) Report from Treasurer (JH)
Rotary Club of Evesham balances 09.07.2024 are:
Lloyds General Account £ 3,939.71
CAF Cash £ 259.69
CAF Gold £ 4,510.26
CAF TOL £19,178.44
Total £27,881.10
The general account figures include a bank refund of charges (£101.21) and profit share from Battle of Evesham (£112.56).
Some GIFT aid still has to come in and three members have not paid their fees for 2024/25 yet.
7) Membership and Media
A report from the M&M team (HvdS, PS, TB, TH) was distributed with the agenda. Conclusions from the discussion at the business meeting are:
Rotary stall at BoE not effective enough. Not clear that it was a Rotary stall. We need to
discuss how to promote RCoE whenever there is the next opportunity.
The club approved the proposal to develop the Bookmark project (proposed by TB,
seconded by OL) with PHHS and TDMS Interact groups. Initial budget £100. This will be a
RCoE project. Bookmark should mention RCoE and the Rotary Interact group. HvdS and
PNW will move this project along.
A discussion about corporate membership and use of the TOL business contacts will be
scheduled for the end of September. M&M team will produce a discussion note.
OL will contact Helen Gray to put a presentation about Rotary on the agenda for one of
the next ECN meetings.
Use the murder mystery project to promote Rotary membership.
Our website will most likely need to be replaced with a new one, either from scratch or
using the Rotary template.
A presentation about RCoE will be put together using material (pictures, text, videos)
available from the D1100 website. This can then be used by any member to give a
presentation about Rotary and our club to interested groups.
We will have 4000 crocus corms to plant this autumn. We have four options how to use
these corms. In order of priority: 1) PHHS/TDMS (contact Pamela), 2) The Valley (contact
Trevor), 3) Raphaels (contact Oliver) and 4) The Flagpole Garden (contact Oliver). We will
initially focus on the first two options, but we need more detailed information. A general
issue is that we never manage to put up promotional signs. Replacements of the Rondels
at the Medieval Garden have been produced by Zimprint at £30 per sign. The suggestion
is to produce similar promotional signs for permanent or temporary use. We can ask
‘Men in sheds’ to produce the physical supports for these signs.
8) Foundation, Fundraising and International
Foundation: On the 17th of September, Richard Campbell will speak about Foundation at our club meeting. Members of RC of Pershore and RitV will be invited to attend.
Fundraising: Charlie Homer is prepared to present to us on the current Cancer Appeal at
Cheltenham Hospital. JH and PNW are developing a Murder Mystery event in All Saints
Church, February 2025.
9) Schools and Vocational
Contact with schools will restart in September. The timing from D1100 in relation to Youth
initiatives has been wrong again (too late).
10) Tree of Light update
- New lamps have been ordered (£600).
- 100 Letters to businesses have been sent. Although we did not ask for financial
support yet, 4 donations were offered already.
- Individual donors will be contacted by email as far as possible. In addition, 800
letters have been produced and ready to be sent later.
11) Battle of Evesham, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of August RCoE and RitV had a combined stall at the BoE. We need to review the approach and make it more
effective and promote the Rotary brand better.
Several members were involved in other volunteer jobs at the BoE. The event attracted more than 40,000 visitors.
11) Rotary Rondels to Abbey Garden gates, update: Oliver arranged the production of new rondels. They look very good. See point 7.
12) Next meetings
Next meeting 20th August, evening meeting at Raphaels 7:00 for 7:30pm – Sue Coleman for West Midlands Women’s Aid.
13) AOB
Wednesday, 21st of August, RC of Pershore will give a presentation about the Ombersley Conservation Trust. Supper at 6.30pm (pre-order) with presentation starting at around 7.15pm.
Please contact the secretary if you plan to attend.
15) Final toast, Rotary the World over / The King
Hein vd Steen
Club Speaker Meeting 3sept24
Attendees:- J Davey, (Chair), T Battersby, P Davidson, C Davis, J Harris, T Henri, O Lister, S Lomas, J Mansfield, P Nilo-Walton, P Richards, P Staines, H Van der Steen, T Willis, M Mather.
Guest Speaker:- Sarah Ennis
Apologies:- L Boudier, D Cartwright, R Warrington, T Malin
Introduction. President Joyce welcomed everyone to the meeting including our guest speaker Sarah Ennis, Senior Fair-Trading Officer for the Trading Standards Service Economy and Infrastructure for Worcestershire County Council.
Speaker Presentation. Sarah Ennis a Senior Trading Standards officer from Worcester, whose talk was about the various scams that are harder to trace as technology advances. The 12-month project was founded by the Crime Commission, and is titled Friends against Scams. This has been divided into 4 groups:- 1.Friend-such as ourselves. 2.Champians. 3.Ambassadors- M.P’s and people in authority. 4.Organisations- Business or Clubs. Only 5% of scams are reported which costs £5-£10 billion each year. Scams are perpetrated in 4 main ways, Postal, Telephone, Doorstep and on line. We were given several tips on how to spot these, and also how to spot people who have been affected by them. By the end of the talk, we could claim to be Friends. The message was “protect ourselves”, contact your bank and report to Action Fraud so they can stamp this out. Following a Q & A session a vote of thanks was proposed by Tony Henri.
Next meeting. 10th September2024, Business meeting – Monthly Club Business Meeting at Ecgwins PMC
Future meetings. 17th September, Evening meeting at Raphaels. Speaker Richard Campbell District Foundation Officer
Birthdays. Alan Whitehouse, 6th September.
AOB. Club Council Meeting tonight at Richmond Wood Norton at 5:45 pm
Tim Malin / Carole Davis