Meeting Notes
7th November 2017


President Chris welcomed all guests and members to the meeting.
Rotarian Ian Nilo-Walton said grace.
There was one non-apology.
Rotarian John Darby welcomed our two guests from Prince Henry High School Rotaract Club; President Gilly and vice-President Isobel.
Hein had asked for support for the Bridging the Generations project. People were required for next week’s meeting and if none are forthcoming by Friday the event will have to be cancelled. Pamela informed that flyers are ready to be distributed. Peter D, said he had a shortlist of potential visitors but he needed to discuss with them. A comment was offered that perhaps the Club could consider funding the event as a ‘loss-leader’ to get things started.
The Hon. Secretary reported that an email had been received by John Hill from the Rory the Robot appeal. The organisers are asking for our support in obtaining a grant from AVIVA. It was agreed that an email should be circulated to all members describing how to vote in support of the appeal. 
Rotarian Pamela Nilo-Walton introduced our two guests with great pleasure. She commented that she was immensely impressed with the way the Rotaract Club at PHHS is being developed by the students themselves, which reflects very well on the younger generation. .
Gilly and Isobel commenced their presentation with a brief outline about the Rotaract Movement, which now comprises over 250,000 members worldwide. The PHHS Club maintains contact as far as possible with Clubs from other countries and indeed last year’s President attended a Conference in the USA. Some of the benefits of membership were outlined, with emphasis on the personal development aspects. The Club organises and runs a number of events, both large and small, during the course of the year. This had resulted in raising £3365.75 for Charity last year, which had been distributed to “Working World’ in Evesham, Guide Dogs for the Blind, St. Richard’s Hospice and Medecins sans Frontieres, all Charities which had been selected by the Rotaract group themselves. A new list of Charities for this year has already been selected and include ‘Enabled’ – a charity for people with life-limiting conditions – and ‘Maggie’s’ – a charity supporting familes with a member suffereing from cancer. Our guests were particularly enthusiastic about the positive effect of establishing direct contact with the charities concerned. On average there are about 25 people who are involved on a regular basis, although many other students help out on an ‘ad hoc’ basis at specific events. A short discussion followed after which President Chris asked members to thank Gilly and Isobel in the normal way for an entertaining and informative talk and wished them every success with this year’s activities.
John Darby asked for help from members with Tree of Light administrative matters. He explained in outline what needed to be done and was looking for people who could devote a couple of hours each week on a particular day. He also asked for an extra volunteer to help with putting the lights on the tree on Monday 13th November.
Hon. Treasurer Martin King reported briefly that takings so far on the Tree of Light were encouraging and that he is optimistic that he will be able to report an even more successful campaign than last year at the end of December.  
Next Meeting of Club Council will be on the evening of 7th November.
Next meeting of the Club will be on 14th November and will be a fellowship/business meeting to discuss any remaining issues concerning the Tree of Light.
There being no other business, President Chris closed the meeting with the final toast!

Trevor R Battersby

Hon. Secretary.