Meeting notes 25 April 2017

Cashiers: Frances & Hein.
No guests.
Business meeting: following the recent AGM, the meeting was updated on various matters:

Summer Charity Dinner & Auction, 28th July: Richard reported that excellent offers of auction and raffle prizes were coming in, and reminded members to provide more and ask friends / businesses with attractive potential prizes to donate; also to invite friends and aim to make up tables of ten. Publicity for the event would start about late May, and flyers were handed out for members to use.
John D reported that there is strong interest in another charities networking event, and details would be worked out when the views and preferences of the people concerned were known - Rotary is acting as facilitator.
John H distributed flyers for canvassing Friends of Rotary and asked members to consider helping.  He and Patrick will be discussing how best to cover the Vale Park businesses, and members who can help there or elsewhere should let John know.
New members: Patrick reported that a long list of potential members had been put together and Council would be deciding the next steps on the 9th. May.  The most likely people would be contacted and a special evening meeting had been proposed to inform about Rotary and our club and encourage joining. Meanwhile, members who are the contact with recent visitors and potential members should stay in touch with them and continue to encourage them to come to a meeting. 
Purple for Polio crocus campaign: the club would not be getting involved this year in light of the work involved and the current and planned level of activity in the club.
Members were reminded to keep the Purple for Polio jam jars filling up and let Len know when they are full.
Patrick reported that Council had been considering the meeting plan for next year and detailed proposals would be put to members very soon regarding the mix of lunchtime and evening meetings.

Notices & Correspondence: 

A letter had been received from Diane Bennett thanking the club for its support for Caring Hands in the Vale. 
Invitations had been received from Mayor-elect Richard Jones to attend his mayor-making on the 8th. May and to the Civic Service on the 11th. The club would be represented.    

Forthcoming meetings: 

No meeting Tuesday, 2nd. May. 
Lunch in the Community, Evesham College, 9th. May (12.15 for 12.45 pm - final numbers by Thursday, 4th. May).
Hosting Pershore at a joint evening meeting, 16th. May.
International Weekend, 19th - 21st. May.
District Assembly: 6th. May - for incoming club Presidents and officers.  

Member news: Patrick announced that Sue Berrecloth would soon be moving out of the area and therefore had resigned from the club. Sue would be at the Council meeting on the 9th. May, but this would be her last meeting. She intended to keep in touch. Patrick expressed the club's gratitude for Sue's lively and valued contribution to the club over the last 5 years and stated that members would miss her sunny and always-positive presence. Members showed their appreciation and best wishes for the future.
Meeting close at 13.56 pm.